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JAG(UK) Meeting with DfT on 17th June 2015

Jerry McConkey and David Capon met with Tony Boucher and Barbara King on 17th June at DfT to discuss a number of subjects. ...

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BT Street Works Engagement - LA Objecting to Pole Siting

This briefing is in respect to HA objections to the siting of new BT poles. Please note that this briefing is only for objections by Highway Authoriti...

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BT Streetworks Engagement – Do Not Blame The HA

BT has issued a document outlining the actions that have been taken following the issues raised. ...

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Scottish Road Works Commissioner Steps Down

Elspeth King is to step down from her role as Scottish Road Works Commissioner this month.

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Letter of conformity received regarding Nissen Traffic Lights LZA500

JAG(UK) members were previously advised of a suspension of approval in the use of Nissen Traffic Lights LZA500. A letter of conformity has now been re...

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HAUC(UK) Conference: Think Outside The Whole

The HAUC(UK) Conference will be held on 30th September 2014 in Brighton.

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Government publish Statutory Guidance on Permit Schemes – Conditions

The Government has published ‘statutory guidance' for permit schemes and this can be found at:...

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Streetworks : Permit Schemes : Publication to Government response to the consultation which closed 9 March 2015

DfT has thanked all those who responded to the recent Permit Scheme consultation. The Government has published the response to the consultation on str...

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