About JAG(UK)

Our key objectives
- safeguarding the quality and effectiveness of highways as the major transport network
- developing a consistent and appropriate implementation of regulations, fairly balancing the legitimate needs of road users and works promoters of all types
- identifying and promoting good practice in all aspects of traffic and works coordination
- supporting the practitioners within member organisations in their personal professional development through the provision of guidance and timely, appropriate communication on important issues
- representing the interests and expert contributions of the membership in the wider public arena, including government, the Highway Authorities and Utilities Committees, National Traffic Managers Forum and other related bodies
- maintaining an attitude of cooperation and pursuit of efficiency of operation of works, while remaining mindful of regulatory responsibilities.

David Capon
David Capon is the JAG(UK) CEO and has worked extensively with the JAG(UK) community in delivering improved communications, management of the network and local knowledge and expertise. Dave regularly engages with the DfT, devolved Governments, Network Rail, National Highways, statutory undertakers and local authorities to deliver continuous improvement to the community. He works hard to support members authorities by attending regular national, regional and local meetings, providing an on-line library of existing legislation, regulations, procedures and guidance for authorities and their officers, acting as an online advisory service and providing prompt guidance on emerging issues and delivering a focused approach as part of the GeoPlace/Local Government Association family. Most notably, Dave has played a central role in the delivering of the permit legislation, guidance and operational advice. He has made a significant contribution to the finalisation of government sponsored Codes of Practice, regulations and impact assessments.

Sarah Widdows
Permit Scheme Manager (Projects), Norfolk County Council
Sarah is Permit Scheme Manager (Projects) for Norfolk County Council. Previously Street Works and Permitting Manager for Cambridgeshire County Council and prior to that Roadspace Management Manager for Buckinghamshire County Council. Sarah has had 20+ years working in the industry. Sarah is also JAG(UK) Strategy Group Chair, Permit Authority Group Chair and was Anglian JAG Chair for over eight years. Sarah is Highway Authority Chair on the Street Manager Governance Group.

Sam Guiver
JAG(UK) Vice Chair
Sam has gained a vast amount of experience and knowledge from his various roles within local government at Essex County Council, as well as further gaining experience from his time working as a statutory undertaker within the telecommunications industry before returning to a highway authority as a senior manager within the Growth, Highways, and Infrastructure directorate at Suffolk County Council. He currently head up the Network Assurance Business Unit which operates the wider Network Management functions within Suffolk. Sam has served as the Anglian Joint Authority Group (AJAG) Chair and Co-Chair of the Anglian HAUC since 2020.

Phil Cameron
JAG (UK) Community Manager
Phil joined GeoPlace in late 2024 in a newly created role as JAG( UK) Community Manager, this role is there to bolster the service JAG (UK) provides to Council’s across the UK, with the aim of helping the industry learn from the good practice that is happening everyday on the highway network. Phil is co-chair of the Safety Code review working group, he also chairs the performance and communications working group, sits on HAUC England and HAUC UK. He has recently left his role as chair of South West JAG and co-chair of South West HAUC after 17 years service. Phil is keen to create working relationships that drive improvement whilst allowing works promoters to carry out their essential works on the highway.

David Latham
David has more than 40 years experience in Municipal and Highway Engineering. This started in 1972 when he joined Essex County Council as a trainee highway technician before moving to District Councils and municipal engineering, working on many diverse projects. In 1983 David moved to Kent, joining the Canterbury Highway Unit Projects Team where he qualified as an Incorporated Engineer and became a member of the ICE. He delivered a variety of schemes including highway reconditioning, pedestrianisation, Seafront regeneration, Park and ride sites and consultancy for wind power companies. Many of these projects won awards. Whilst at Canterbury he worked with Kent County Council, and The HSE on Health and safety issues particularly CDM and manual handling. In 2005 David joined Kent County Council and moved into Streetworks. Kent is the first County to implement a Permit Scheme and one of only two authorities piloting Lane Rental. David has chaired SEJAG (South East Joint Authorities Group), and joint chaired of SEHAUC (South East Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee). David was Joint Chair of HAUC England for many years standing down in April 2022 and is currently a Non Executive director of JAG UK.