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Our key objectives

  • safeguarding the quality and effectiveness of highways as the major transport network
  • developing a consistent and appropriate implementation of regulations, fairly balancing the legitimate needs of road users and works promoters of all types
  • identifying and promoting good practice in all aspects of traffic and works coordination
  • supporting the practitioners within member organisations in their personal professional development through the provision of guidance and timely, appropriate communication on important issues
  • representing the interests and expert contributions of the membership in the wider public arena, including government, the Highway Authorities and Utilities Committees, National Traffic Managers Forum and other related bodies
  • maintaining an attitude of cooperation and pursuit of efficiency of operation of works, while remaining mindful of regulatory responsibilities.
About What we Deliver

About JAG(UK)

What we deliver

JAG(UK) recognises the expertise of the officers employed by its member authorities. To support them in their professional contributions, the focus of the current action plan is:

  • significant contribution to the finalisation of the government sponsored Codes of Practice, regulations and impact assessments
  • a unique information resource for authorities and their officers by collation and indexing of existing procedures and guidance
  • an online advisory service and continuing development of guidance on emerging issues
  • an industry award recognising individual contributions that have enhanced the efficiency and professionalism of network management.
About Network Management

About JAG(UK)

Network management duty

JAG(UK) provides a vital role in safeguarding and maximising the provisions contained in the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA) and Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA). These Acts give powers to highway authorities to control the activities of utilities on its highway network: an essential component enabling your Traffic Manager to carry out your authority's statutory Network Management Duty.

The economic climate presents local authorities with a number of challenges, and JAG(UK) can assist and provide support for your authority through these challenging times.

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About JAG(UK)

Guidance and advice

JAG(UK) provides guidance and advice on street works matters to all highway authorities, and a forum in which members can seek further advice from their peers. This is now particularly relevant where highway authorities need to maximise the benefits of legislation and further protect the public purse. Also, where significant issues have arisen within a number of authorities, JAG(UK) has been able to represent all those affected and share the outcome across the UK.

As a group, JAG(UK) is continually looking to reshape the service in line with the current climate and endeavours to find the most efficient way of working to provide value for money to its members. This includes efficient meeting scheduling and effective targeting of the resources available.

Working with DfT

HAUC(UK) equally represents highway authorities and utilities with each side of the industry providing a co-chair. Collectively, both JAG(UK) and the utilities support the Department for Transport in the preparation of and revisions to Codes of Practice, specifications and regulations under NRSWA and TMA.

JAG(UK) sets out to promote the highway authority viewpoint and seeks to counteract any negative impact on the public purse. JAG(UK) works with governments to ensure any effects on highway authorities of proposed legislative changes are fully considered as part of the process. JAG(UK) has a strong and vital voice in government and failure to connect with them would have a detrimental effect on local authorities' ability to effectively manage their network.

The current thinking of the coalition government has been discussed with JAG(UK).

The main points are:

  • reduction in the current deficit
  • localism
  • self-regulation
  • innovation and performance consistency.

It is vital that in these changing and challenging times local authorities have the strongest possible voice with governments and JAG(UK) continues to provide this link, engaging with the Minister and officials on your behalf.